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God With Us

                     In the quiet hours of Advent-the waiting and remembering, our children see and know the love God offers through the birth of the Christ-child. Surrounded by still hours of darkness, warmth of  wood burning fire, lights of the tree glowing; little ones curl up and listen for the magic, the wonder of the virgin birth. Reading the passages of the story, often heard only once a year brings wide eyed awe and gasps of breath to grasp the magnitude of God becoming an infant. Seeing Christmas is gathering unwanted toys to share with those in need. Choosing just the right thing to put in the boxes to be sent across the world-sending Christmas joy for the hurting, hungry, barely clothed. Lighting the candles Sunday service  to remember the hope, love, joy, and peace. Gifting a goat, chickens, sheep to provide for a family like ours, yet so different. Wearing the wooly sheep costume, the angel wings to embody those who praised him saying “Glory to God in the