We had just finished pushing Thomas the Train down the track to meet up with his red friend James, and read the last few pages of Curious George Gets a Medal . It was time to get our coats on and head home for nap time, crossing my fingers he didn't fall asleep in the car. I pulled his blueberry hat over his ears to bear the Massachusetts winter chill, and guided his little arms into the royal blue marshmallow puff coat I thought would be so warm. Yet, now, the coat was an object of regret because what two year old wouldn't scream in opposition to being bound like a mummy, unable to move. I wasn't sure if it was the coat or not wanting to leave, but the wailing began. Feet stomping, throwing himself on the floor kicking, he screamed, “No, Mommy, I don't want to go home!No,...
Mom Reflections
Reflections of a soccer mom, fueled by coffee and Jesus